How to Make an Amazing Nettle Fruit Leather

by Sarah - Craft Invaders

This recipe for nettle fruit leather is one of my own concoctions. The idea came to me while pondering on what I could do with the nettle residue you are left with, when making Stinging Nettle Cordial. That recipe uses 200g of Nettles, and once they have steeped you discard them, which seems such a waste, so I got my thinking cap on and this is what I came up with!


This is our own original recipe for nettle fruit leather. The nettles pair perfectly with the apple and pear and the kids absolutely love this healthy snack


My kids absolutely love fruit leather, we make it often and have shared recipes with you in the past – both in a traditional snack form with our Apple and Plum Fruit Leather, and also in the slightly grosser guise of Edible Fruit Scabs. It really is an easy, healthy snack to make, and vastly superior to the over-priced shop bought varieties.



What we used for our Nettle Fruit Leather

The leftover strained nettles from our Nettle Cordial (which was originally 200g of nettle tops)
4 large Bramley Apples
4 Large Pears
300mls Water


This is our own original recipe for nettle fruit leather. The nettles pair perfectly with the apple and pear and the kids absolutely love this healthy snack.


The cordial that the nettle residue came from contained citric acid. If I was making the leather with fresh nettles, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t, I would probably add the juice of a lemon. The cordial also had a very high sugar content, so I felt our puree was sweet enough, but the nettle fruit leather can easily be sweetened to taste.


This is our own original recipe for nettle fruit leather. The nettles pair perfectly with the apple and pear and the kids absolutely love this healthy snack


Wash, core and cut your fruit into chunks. I didn’t bother peeling ours on this occasion. Add the nettles and water and cook until soft, then puree the mixture with a handheld blender. If you want to add sugar, honey or another sweetener to taste do it now.


This is our own original recipe for nettle fruit leather. The nettles pair perfectly with the apple and pear and the kids absolutely love this healthy snack


I use food wrap to line my trays as I find the finished leather peels off much more easily than with paper. Pour the puree on to the sheet and stick it into a cool oven set as low as you can – you are aiming to dry it, not cook it. It can take anything from about 8hrs to about 16hrs to totally dry out – I gave ours about 6 hours in the bottom of our Aga, then left it out overnight, covered with a mesh food cover, to finish drying.


This is our own original recipe for nettle fruit leather. The nettles pair perfectly with the apple and pear and the kids absolutely love this healthy snack


As you can see from the pictures, this leather has a very rustic appearance. I was slightly concerned that the kids would take one look at it and refuse to try it, but they absolutely love it. In fact, I am having to be careful that they don’t eat too much of it in one sitting, bearing in mind that nettles are a new addition to their diet!


This is our own original recipe for nettle fruit leather. The nettles pair perfectly with the apple and pear and the kids absolutely love this healthy snack


I would love to know what you think of our recipe, and whether it’s something you will be trying. Nettles are hugely nutritious, with all sorts of health benefits, so I am delighted to have come up with a recipe for them, which the kids are so keen to eat. If you are looking for more inspiring recipes for nettles that kids will love why not try our Stinging Nettle Crisps.


This is our own original recipe for nettle fruit leather. The nettles pair perfectly with the apple and pear and the kids absolutely love this healthy snack

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Catherine August 30, 2024 - 7:00 pm

Have you made the fruit leather mixing stinging nettle and rhubarb (I have a lot of rhubarb).

Sarah - Craft Invaders August 30, 2024 - 7:26 pm

No I haven’t tried that combination but rhubarb works well in fruit leather – I mixed it with apple and elderflower here x

Nadia November 8, 2020 - 2:11 pm

Dear, Sarah, I am very excited to have learned such interesting nettle recipes from you. I look forward to making the nettle cordial. I only wanted to clarify whether or not you store the mix in the fridge during the one week that the cordial is being made. Thank you! xx

Sarah - Craft Invaders November 8, 2020 - 2:16 pm

Hi Nadia, I don’t as the pot I use doesn’t fit in the fridge – I just stand it in my utility room which is reasoanbly cool. Hope you enjoy it when you make yours :)

Nadia December 10, 2020 - 9:59 am

Thank you! xx

Stephanie September 3, 2018 - 2:09 pm

I make a lot of nettle infusions from dry leaves. Do you think I could use the leftover tea leaves for this if I added a sweetner? I would love to find a use for them.

Sarah - Craft Invaders September 3, 2018 - 2:25 pm

I think they would work very well Stephanie. What I would do is freeze the tea leaves until you have enough to make a batch (you can of course put in as much or little as you want) that way you wouldn’t need to dry them again or worry about them spoiling – please let me know how it works out :)

How To Use Up Nettles (Recipe Roundup Series) – One World Herbal Community May 19, 2017 - 7:34 pm

[…] Leather – Stinging Nettle, Apple, and Pear Fruit Leather from Craft […]

Linda at Mixed Kreations February 26, 2017 - 11:05 pm

My kids loved fruit leather when they were young. I think that it is so cool that you use plants to make up your recipes. But stinging nettle, the only thing about it I know it to stay out of it. I learned that at a young age. LOL

Sarah - Craft Invaders March 7, 2017 - 8:07 am

I used to be a bit wary of stinging nettles too Linda, but that’s why they are great for foraging – you can always identify them!

Kellie February 22, 2017 - 2:17 am

I have never seemed to have success with making my own. Yours looks so good! Kudos to you for your success. I should try again.

Sarah - Craft Invaders February 23, 2017 - 12:17 pm

It is such a great snack for kids Kellie, mine love it – let me know if you try it again :)

Michelle February 21, 2017 - 5:01 pm

We don’t really have stinging nettles in South Africa, but I’m very keen to try make some of these with our own indigenous edible plants. We call them vrugte rollitjies here and my kids love them. It’s such a lovely snack and so healthy too.

Sarah - Craft Invaders February 23, 2017 - 12:14 pm

It is a great snack, and perfect for carrying around. In your climate it must be easy to dry them too. I’d love to see what fruits and plants you have available to you – you’ll have to make some Michelle and show us:)

Beverly May 31, 2016 - 1:52 am

I hate to admit it, but I had to google stinging nettles. It’s not something I’m familiar with. I think it’s great that you’ve found a way to use the residue. Thanks for joining us at Social Boost Monday and sharing your recipe.

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 31, 2016 - 9:32 pm

Thank you Beverly. I wonder if its too warm for them to grown in your part of the States – we have them everywhere here! Thanks for having us :)

Mickey May 31, 2016 - 1:42 am

This look’s so easy to do, love the idea! Pinned!
xoxo Mickey

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 31, 2016 - 9:27 pm

Thanks Mickey, let me know if you try it – it really does taste good :)

Nikki Frank-Hamilton May 31, 2016 - 12:47 am

I am amazed by both these projects, the cordial and the leather. But even more amazed at the things you’ve shared with us about the stinging nettles, and that you’ve taken the time to learn about it’s nutritious values. I know that I shouldn’t be surprised by anything you do, but I am. I love how brave you are, you decide to do something and you go at it with a gusto that I envy!

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 31, 2016 - 9:26 pm

Oh Nikki, your comment bought a tear to my eyes – what a lovely thing to say :) I, like everyone, definitely have my doubting moments, but when it comes down to it, if you want to achieve something, you have to pull your finger out and get on with it. I know you know this better than most xxx

Honest Mum May 26, 2016 - 4:51 pm

Wow how original are these, love the idea of fruit leather (and the taste) although I’ve never made my own x

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 30, 2016 - 12:18 am

We were really pleased with our recipe – I think it may be an original craft invaders one!

Gina May 26, 2016 - 3:27 pm

This is so cool!!! I never would have thought that you could make fruit leather from stinging nettles! Your foraging skills are so enviable! I need to get a move on it and start foraging soon! :)

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 30, 2016 - 12:16 am

I’m only just a beginner Gina, but am loving learning more about wild plants – I’ve definitely got the bug!

Debbie May 25, 2016 - 7:27 pm

Hi Sarah, I have never made fruit leather before, but do have a recipe in an old readers digest cooker book that I have toyed about making in the past. I must admit that the thought of edible fruit scabs is slightly stomach turning, but I’m sure they appeal to children.

I have also never tried anything nettle, I can’t imagine what they must taste like, but I bet they are full of goodness. The old ladies here head off into the fields and pick what they call horta, which is basically weeds that taste good.

I might just have to have a go at making fruit leather just to see what it is, but it would have to be without the nettles as I wouldn’t know where to find them out here.


Sarah - Craft Invaders May 30, 2016 - 12:12 am

You can make fruit leather with just about any fruit, Debbie – but I agree the scabs do look disgusting lol. I googled Horta and a whole array of weeds came up – its great that people still have the knowledge to forage out there :)

Lisa ( May 23, 2016 - 9:23 pm

Ooh, my son absolutely loves these so it’s great to have a recipe for home made healthy ones! Bookmarking this for sure!

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 24, 2016 - 2:29 pm

Let me know if you try making them Lisa :)

Georgina Ingham | Culinary Travels May 23, 2016 - 2:44 pm

I am so intrigued by this. I love fruit leather but have never made my own or had one with nettle in.

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 24, 2016 - 2:27 pm

Fruit leather’s really good fun to make, Georgina. I must admit I was very pleased when I thought up the idea of adding nettles – I think I may have invented it!

Emma May 23, 2016 - 2:29 pm

Great idea, I’ve never eaten nettles but this is something that I’d love to try. Great idea!

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 24, 2016 - 2:26 pm

Thanks Emma, wanted to come up with something that would appeal to the kids – they were never going to embrace nettle soup!

Kerry Norris May 23, 2016 - 11:21 am

How cool is this. Would never have thought to make anything like this. Thank you for sharing your recipe x

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 24, 2016 - 2:24 pm

Thanks Kerry, was so pleased when I had the idea to try nettles in fruit leather – let me know if you try it :)

Chloe May 22, 2016 - 11:13 pm

I love your creations!!! This sounds so cool. I see you’re really making the most of nettle lately and I love how creative you’re being with it. I definitely want to try this. I need to start trying some more things with nettle for sure. xx

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 24, 2016 - 2:24 pm

I do have a bit of a nettle obsession atm Chloe, I’ve known for a while how good they are for you, so am really pleased to come up with some things that appeal to the kids :)

Fashion and Style Police May 22, 2016 - 8:48 pm

I love this recipe. It looks and sounds yummy xo

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 24, 2016 - 2:22 pm

Thank you – I’m really pleased to be getting some different food stuffs into us all :)

Harriet from Toby & Roo May 22, 2016 - 7:06 pm

Oh wow I will have to try this! My kids love fruit leather but I’ve never made our own! H x

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 24, 2016 - 2:21 pm

It’s really easy to make Harriet – my kids love it too :)

Leanne @Smiles and Sundays May 22, 2016 - 1:36 pm

Oh my. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen something like this. My kids are terrible at eating “the healthy stuff” but they absolutely love fruit snacks. Perhaps I can give this a whirl and see if it can replace those nasty, gummy (cavity inducing) things. I think even with my sub par kitchen skills, I could give this a go. I’ll let you know how it goes! xx

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 24, 2016 - 2:19 pm

Fruit leather is really easy to make, Leanne, and if you use things like strawberries and mango you don’t even need to cook the puree – just blend it and dry out x

Yvonne May 22, 2016 - 7:50 am

These look like a great idea. I really like that you rolled them up, my kids would love that. xxx

Sarah - Craft Invaders May 24, 2016 - 2:18 pm

It’s funny the things that appeal to kids isn’t it? I’m really pleased that the like them though, hoping they are getting all sorts of nutrients they normally wouldn’t!
